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Monday, October 3, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

I have a dad, which yeah i know almost everyone does. But i have a real dad. (No offense) He's protective, loving, and there for me. I can honestly say, none of my friends know how that really feels. To have a dad, you see everyday, and that you love and just want to be proud of you, but hates every boy you ever talk about, speak to, or even look at. To feel shut out every time a boy even comes into the topic. To feel like he's ashamed of you. It makes me afraid to ever date. I want his approval, I'm 14, and a daddy's little girl. But no matter what, no boy will ever be good enough for "Daddy's little girl". I know i sound like a whiny teenager who should be happy that i have a dad who cares. And i know i am lucky. But i can't help but see every guy in my dad's eyes, thinking "Hm? what would my dad say about him?" and if i knew he wouldn't approve, i wouldn't go for the guy. It's like, i can't even go after who i want because if i want the guy, but my dad doesn't like him, there's no point in trying, cause my dad can make it so i can't see that boy or at least make it difficult. Why can't i find somebody good enough for him?

I know most people are thinking, who cares what your dad thinks, it's your life. Your dad doesn't choose who you marry, or dates you. And again i know that. But i want him to be proud of me, i don't want to disappoint him. I know i should learn to just "Get over it" but, its hard. When I'm dating someone i feel like nothing i do is good enough. He's never good enough. and i hate it. It makes it stressful for me to date them. It makes me not want to because its so stressful for me, even if its not their fault.

None of my friends get this, they all have dad's who aren't there or who barely are around. My dad's there every second of every day and knows what i'm doing and who i'm hanging out with 24/7. I can't just ignore his opinion. Its always there. I can't hide, because its right out the door.

Sometimes being "Daddy's little girl" isn't always as great as people make it out to be. So you may not have a dad, but consider yourself lucky. There's a good side to everything, and also a down side. No matter the reality, as humans we tend to focus on the down side of things when they're happening to us. If were in the situation, its always easier to see that bad side of things, because they cause the most emotional stress. Which is what you'll remember the most. Funny how humans work, isn't it?

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